Thursday 6 March 2014

The Soul

In the previous post i said that, Soul is nothing but mind and it is linked with Family and Teacher.

                         Yes, the reason behind that is, Brain is the only part that will do all things. Each and every thing done by us is directed by our brain. If we have a good family and at least one inspirative teacher, then we will get perfect thoughts in mind.
                         In previous post i also said that, For orphans society will be the guide and like family. Since, if the society is good towards him or even if he see the people doing good things. Then he automatically leads the life in positive manner and in a good way. Even if he don't have education, he can do good things instead of bad things. He at least know what is good and what is bad to society and for him.

Role of family in Soul:
                          Family plays the primary role in this. Since, the person spends more time with family than in any other place. If he had a good family and with good people in family, then he will be maximum surrounded by good people and chances of injecting good characters in mind is high. Some children take only one person as inspiration, either father, mother, brother & sister etc., in that case, he only follows that one person. He takes that person as guide to him.

                        I have an real time example that i have come across, In my neighbors family, he was the only son to them. His father was a drinker and mother was also not good. He was good at small age, but when he got some maturity and thinking power, he turned into a drinker and smoker learned from father and he became rash and odd that was from his mother. It's clear that, family plays the major role in a human life.

                         From above example, i think every one understood the role of the family. Even if he had a good teacher to teach, he missed that first 20% of life from family....

Role of Teacher: 
                         After family, teacher plays the next important role. Let us consider that the person had learned good things, but he need to learn some more things along with good habits. He need to have an idea on society, where he is going to live his future life. He need to start estimating the persons character by just looking at him/her for the first sight and first talk. Even if he wrongly estimate in first talk, he will be careful with him until he come to know completely about that person. Teacher also gives some qualities to the students that didn't got from family. But, he can only learn from his teacher only if he respect his teacher. That giving respect to them comes from family. If he didn't got a good teacher in his life time, then he misses next 20% of his life. First 20% from family will have value only if gets this 20% from teacher.

                        A person didn't gone to school but he has a good family, where he only learned good character. If he didn't gone to school, he won't have exact/ minimum idea regarding society. Lets consider village people. They will be good in character than others in cities. But, village people can easily targeted by cunning people. They can be easily cheated. If they are educated, then he will know that they are cheating him. He can also forecast the threat to him by the person.

Role of our self:
                        We also play an important role in taking decisions. A person with good character and good knowledge can also be cheated so easily. Now a days, talent of cheaters is upgraded as the technology updated. Family and teacher played there role of fulfilling 20% + 20% = 40%.... But, the next 20% is in our hands. First we should estimate what kind of people were living around us. How to deal with each person according to there character. That is, we should maintain limited contact with bad ones.
                         Firstly, we should respect our self. either it may be internal or external. We know that, If a person loves himself then only he can love others. We need to start understanding our self first.
What we are?
Why we came for?
Why we are living?
Why we should help others? etc.,
This kind of questions should be asked to our self. There is no need to do any meditation or either no need to read and learn from books written by some legends. We should write our own book. Buddha and Vivekananda and all others didn't learned from others i think, they realized by there own. That is called Self Empowerment.
If we are able to answer these questions, then we are going in good way and we can do good. Once, we know the real meaning of our life then you cannot be stopped by any external force.....

If we can get this average percentage. That is, 20% + 20% + 20% = 60%... Then, the remaining 40% will be automatically comes into our life..... Even if we were cheated by some one, we should always be positive..... All kind of depression and sadness and other kind of negatives will leave our mind after getting this 60% of marks.. A student gets qualified in studies with this 60% of marks. In the same way, a human gets qualified in his life with this 60%...... No one throws you into negative energy.. This positive and negative boundaries were created by us. So, we can control this positive and negatives as our wish..... Since, they are our own creations. So, don't be depressed by negatives. For every act of us, there will be a reason....

Some people say, God made me to do that work.  This word is also created by us, in order to be positive for some kind of mistakes that are done by us..... In India, common word used by Hindus is, శివుని ఆజ్ఞ లేకుండా చీమ అయినా కుట్టదు. Even an Ant won't bite us without the permission of the lord shiva...
If we have time to write, we can write so many line similar to the above. God is created for turning our negatives into positives.......

  • So, always be positive... 
  • Do what your mind tells. That to, only after thinking twice or thrice. Estimate all the results in the mind while thinking. like, what will happen if that was executed?
      We know that, a word cannot be taken back once it was spoken.
A wrong decision cannot be corrected after it was executed. 
  • Respect our self first, then we automatically respect others too.. 
Do your best to achieve this 60% of life. Then next 40% will also be good and comes by flying.

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