Friday 7 March 2014

The Love

Their are so many people who express love towards you in the form of care or in other forms.

1. Family
2. Friend & well wishers
3. Life partner

When we consider Human, above three types are main. We also know that, people even love other living and non living things like Pets, Planets, Nature and so on....

The main reason to consider Family, Friends & Partners in this post is, now a days people were going into depression only due to lack of getting expected love from those three people. Lets discuss some of the ways to overcome from depression, due to lack of love.

                          Family is the first one to show or express love towards you, than any one else. Since, this love starts right from the day you entered into womb. When they start loving you, they won't even seen you. But, they loves you and prays for your health.  They takes care of you and your health right from that day. They love you till their last breath. Remaining two types of love, don't even balance love expressed by family. They just try to balance or fulfill the lost one. Since, they were born only after experiencing this family love. This is the base to all the remaining types of love. The love expressed by family is non selfish and true love.
                          Now a days, people were unable to understand the value of family and they were leaving the family so easily, for the love shown by other people. If a person didn't learned the meaning of love from family then other two won't be their on earth.. Only a family can understand you more than any other person on earth.
                          Orphans learn the value of love and relations from the society. If they won't get love from society, they will get bad impression about the people and they turn into negative type and do wrong things.

Cases you may think,  they won't  care for you,
1. When they love younger or elder person than you.
2. When they won't buy the things, what you like.
3. When they scold you for simple mistakes.
4. When they won't accept you love marriage proposal.
and So on.....

Once think in a positive way,
1. If they love your elder or younger, that doesn't mean they love them more than you. Actually, a family loves every person equally. Just search for some reason, they may be in sad. So, they are taking extra care in them.
2. When they won't by a thing that you like....  They would have thought that, it's not a right choice for you. If they buy what ever you want, then you won't know the value of money.
3. If they scold you for simple mistake, that means... At this age, if they leave you for this simple mistake, you may do a bigger mistake in future. Once if you get fear of doing mistakes, then you will not try to do any mistake in future again.
4. If they are not accepting your love marriage proposal...... That doesn't mean they won't value your choices. But, they are having some fear that, did you select the right one and will that person take care of you in life time.

In similar way, there may be so many reasons for different situations. You will come to know, when you stand in the place of your parents.

Friends & Well wishers:
                            We start making friends after certain ages. When we are in primary school, their is no need to take care of making friends. But, now a days some kids were also matured at small ages. They know how to cheat, since they were grown up in negative environment. We also see some people that, they will be as friends from their childhood and still continues. After we enter into high school level, we should take care while making friends, we should estimate the character of that person before doing friendship. Some people will do friendship for using you for their needs. If we make good friends, we learn good things. We cannot learn every thing from family and teacher. But, a friend will help you in learning many things.

1. Friends will make you learn new things.
2. They supports you in every moment of your life.
3. They will give some awareness regarding society.
4. They supports you and help you in making some decisions.
5. Some friends know important things learned from their family, and they will share that information with you... Which gives some extra knowledge. Since, our parents wouldn't know regarding that.
6. They will support you, when you are away from family.
7. They will easily understand you, since they are of your age.

But, your life will be happy only if you make good friends..... A bad friend can make you learn bad habits. It's not the matter of having many friends. But in that many, how many of them care for you is important. If a friend cannot help you in doing good things, then he should not help you in doing bad things or harm you.

We should be careful in making friends. Having only one good friend is many time better than 100 bad friends.

Life partner:
                          Even if you don't concentrate on making good friends, it won't damage that much. But, if you select a wrong half for you, then your remaining life will not be that happy. Both should live their rest of life combined. In life, their won't any eraser to erase. So, we should be careful in this part. Since, we generally get married at approximate age ranges from 25 -30 and our life span at present environmental conditions is 60-70(if lucky 70+). So, it's very much clear that, we live with our life partner for a period of approximately 40+ years.
                           So, Selecting a life partner is more important. Before selecting our partner, we should have some qualities in us. Every person will have a dream of getting a good life partner with some special qualities. Generally a person searches for a life partner, who gives the life what he missed from his childhood.

A person may search for a partner having,
either, Loving heart
either, Understanding mind
either, supportive mind set
either, who can share feelings with
either, who have all the above and so on.

Now a days, many people are showing interest in love marriage. In olden days, they used to marry a person selected by their family (arranged marriage). There is no much difference between love marriage and arranged marriage.

# In Love marriage, people fall in love and understand each other and then they gets married.
# In arranged marriage, People get married first and then they start understanding and start loving each other.

If their is lack of trust and understanding between each other, they cannot live the rest of life. Their are so many cases that led them to divorce, even it's a love marriage.. We all know that, they married after loving each other and trusting each other. But, the main thing they missed is EGO. They should control there ego first.

Now a days, love is like a use and throw. They are using love not at least as the tissue paper, for their personnel needs. That's why before loving any person, we should be with preplanned mindset to resist for any result or situation is future.... Since, some people are too sensitive. They choose suicide as a solution for the failure. Either for love failure or for his personnel problems... It's all due to lack of positive thinking.

"Minimum" their will be 5 death cases per day, due to love failure. Failing in love is so simple and common. It's not due to ones mistake, it's due to both of them. In some cases, love may fail due to mistake of person.

If a person missed an accident then, he will say "Thank you God for saving my life".. But, why can't a person take the love failure in that way. "Thank god, god may thought that person is not perfect for me. So, god sent that person away from my life..." Even if you did wrong things with that, just leave it and wait. God may send a perfect one who can understand you past and supports you in future..... 

There are many cases that, even after being in love for many years they brake up for some reasons. They won't come back, even after forgiving for their mistake. In that case it's not your fault, it's their fault. Since, you still love them. We should remove them from our mind, since they don't know the value of "LOVED BY PERSON". Getting a person you loved, is not so lucky. But, loved by other person is lucky.

Some people come into our life for their profit. Some people hate your growth and comes into your life to make us down in our career. We don't even get any doubt on them, they will act so nicely than a film actors. They use perfect dialogues at perfect timing. They maintain some secret affairs too, some people maintain affairs and say as, they are my relatives and why can't you trust me darling.

Reasons behind falling in love,
1. Some people think attraction as love.
2. Some people come to down our career.
3. Some people come for their needs (Money and all).
4. Some people think lust as love... They generally as for kiss and body touch.
5. Some people will come to you by seeing your wealth.
6. Some people act, since they may be blackmailed to act like that.
7. Some people don't expect any thing, but they simply love you and cares about you. These people are true lovers...

Character that a person to have, before falling in love....
1. A person should fall in love, only after preparing for every thing.
2. A person should have the ability to resist, if other cheat you.
3. A person should have positive thinking or mind set.
4. A person shouldn't have caste feeling or any other unnecessary feelings.
5. A person should be able to guess the character at first sight.

What should and shouldn't be their in love.....

Should have,
1. Remove "You and Me" Make that as "WE".
2. Trust
3. Respect on other persons feelings
4. Understanding and supportive mind, that is.. able to understand their recent act and support for growth of their future.
5. Forgiveness
6. Apologizing mentality.
7. Satisfaction for simple things (Adjusting mind).
and so on...... These are basic needs.... In one sentence a positive mind or feelings......

Shouldn't have,
1. Ego.
2. Caste and religious feelings.
3. Rich or poor
4. Shouldn't see external appearance.
5. Shouldn't expect more.
6. Thought of break up in mind in future.
and so on...........

We should not keep much hope on the person, who loved you first and

If you are unable to guess their character take it easy. If you spot any difference in their act between past and present, then don't expect more and don't take it seriously until your marriage.

Don't even bother about the one, who missed you. They are really unlucky persons... Trust on you, you may advanced by breaking barriers with that person, due to trusting that person. Don't go down. Just be strong, their would be a person waiting for you... Who will accept your past... and who knows, that person may love you more than you loved your "ex". Just wait for the right time...... That would take some time for any person to become lucky........

If you ex person is enjoying his/her life happily, then why can't you start enjoying....... You may crossed your limits and became much closer. Even after that things happened, just think of it once. Why can't "I" enjoy my life.. If that person don't have any worry. Why should "I" spoil my life...???? Is their any need to feel dude.

You may turn into a billionaire in future... Luck will take some time to knock your door... God knows every thing. God will send the right things at right time into our life.... 

You may planned to suicide.. But, once think of it... Their might be one coming toward you running, to say I LOVE YOU. They reached you just after you left you life. 

SO WAIT and LIVE FOR THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU.... NOT FOR THE ONE WHO LEFT YOU... Be POSITIVE... Live POSITIVE.... In some billion people, you just missed one person.. Hope and search in remaining people.

Once we start working hard, we can easily correct a negative value into a positive value.... For example, scientists takes so many years to discover new things. "Big bang"...
A work get 100% result only after doing so much of hard work.... 
If you want to enjoy the beauty of rose, you need to enjoy the injuries made by thorns...

Their are so many real life example in front of us. But, still we can't understand and we still search in books written by others, for good messages and quotes.... 

My dear friends, our life is a best example to us..... We should learn from our past to build your future with beauty. 

Reading those books is waste of time. If you cannot take your own life as message, then how can you understand and take others life as inspiration. 

Your past life should be your inspiration, for you present and future.. Every mistake we do at present will make you perfect in your future.

Now a days, people write their own quotes... But our mind set is in such a way that, we follow them only if they write any legends name below that....... 
We can't ask them, sir/madam did you wrote this quote.... Since, they were died long ago..... Even for some simple quotes we use God...... If you kill that, god will harm you... What the hell is that.... Just understand once, if you once get to know what is good and what is bad.... Then is their any need for books or any person for inspiration.....

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